Thursday, November 27, 2014

My 5 year old daughter has ADHD. And the other day her school called the police on me and my wife saying she was abused. My daughter is know...


My 5 year old daughter has ADHD. And the other day her school called the police on me and my wife saying she was abused. My daughter is know very well at her school to climb jump off anything and is constantly hurting herself. And they know this. Anyway the police made me and my wife leave work and bring our other children to a packed emergency room. So that a doctor could thoroughly screen them. The school also has lost my daughters meds and state they gave it to the police and the police state they never took it. The whole thing was unfounded. And the doctor saw no reason for us to be there. So we were embarrassed and now have took our daughter out of the daycare. I was wondering if we had and ground to sue the daycare. For misproper care of the medicine, and the report should have never been made.


Based upon the facts you described, you may have a case regarding the medicine, but probably not the call to report suspicion of abuse. They are required to report their suspicion, and are not liable for the actions of the police.

Good luck

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