Thursday, November 27, 2014

My ex and I are divorced, we bought a home in march of 08 , she cheated and left the home in oct of 08 , I have been living in the house eve...


My ex and I are divorced, we bought a home in march of 08 , she cheated and left the home in oct of 08 , I have been living in the house ever since , she is on the deed n mortgage , we were still married when she cheated n left, we got divorced in may 2012 , it was a quick uncontested divorce , no property was included, it would've cost more money but I didn't have it, so fast forward to labor day weekend last yr , she just decided to move back in , she has been here 8 months has only given me $100 during those 8 months , no money for mortgage, utilities , her 2 pitbulls have destroyed my basement , she leaves messes everywhere... what can I do??? Im in hell ... please help


If you are divorced, how can she move back in? This implies voluntary consent on your part.

Since you are now divorced, but still own the property together as tenants in common, then the one who wants the property needs to buy out the share of the other and refinance the mortgage in just the name of the owner of the property. If neither of you is willing to buy out the other then either of you can bring a partition action.

This should have been handled in your divorce.

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