Sunday, August 24, 2014

CURRENT SITUATION: I live in my father's old home in Carson, CA (L.A. Co.) today, someone stuck a (3) day Notice to Quit on the fence outs...


CURRENT SITUATION: I live in my father's old home in Carson, CA (L.A. Co.) & today, someone stuck a (3) day Notice to Quit on the fence outside. My father got a reverse mortgage in 2004 a few months before my family & I moved in. I provided full time medical & personal care to him in exchange for our room & board from Fall 2004 until his death in the Fall of 2010. I'm not sure why we've been able to stay this long other than the bank was waiting for home prices to go up while allowing the loan to gather interest ($1500/mo); but I'm grateful we've been able to stay here this long. I'm unemployed, have 40 yrs worth of my dad's belongings plus our stuff and no money to relocate. The house was sold to the bank at auction about 2 weeks ago.


HELP REQUIRED: Do you know a good, free or low cost lawyer who can help me with this reverse mortgage foreclosure eviction? The notice said I may have rights to stay longer but should get an attorney. I just want time to pack everything and if they could provide a dumpster or two so I can get rid of what I don't take (so they don't have to do it). Thank you for your time & help.


So what is your question?


You don't have any rights to stay in the house after the foreclosure. You need to talk to the person who bought at the foreclosure sale and see if you can negotiate more time if you need it.

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