Saturday, August 23, 2014

I was on a joint checking account with my mom. She died 4 years ago and the account was closed 2 1/2 years ago. My sister thinks she had a r...


I was on a joint checking account with my mom. She died 4 years ago and the account was closed 2 1/2 years ago. My sister thinks she had a right to 1 /3 of the account. She recently went to the bank and they gave her all records of the account. She is now mailing copies out to my other sister. What can I do to stop her? Can I take her to court for invasion of privacy? Or is it the banks fault for giving out my records


How much was in the account on the date of her death?

Was there a Will?

I would have to review that ( if any) and the Account Holder Agreement with the bank.

You might have a case vs. the Bank AND your sister.

Call or email for further assistance.

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