Sunday, August 24, 2014

Is it legal in the state of north carolina for my girlfriend to sue her ex boyfriend to pay for her probation fees if he is the reson she is...


Is it legal in the state of north carolina for my girlfriend to sue her ex boyfriend to pay for her probation fees if he is the reson she is on probation? He had drugs in the house and the police had a warrant but he was.not home and.she let them in trying to do the right thing and they charged her with everything because he was not home and she was. He was paying the fees for two months and just stopped.


This is likely a fruitless lawsuit for two reasons.

First, there is a proof issue. If she was convicted or plead guilty of the charges, then she would have a hard time proving that the drugs were completely his and not hers. Further, if she was aware of the drugs in the home, again it would be difficult.

Second, even if she wins, if he has no assets she may get a judgment she may never collect.

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