Thursday, November 20, 2014

I am an assistant manager, a general manager who I worked for and still works for the same company invited me out to a bar. This was against...


I am an assistant manager, a general manager who I worked for and still works for the same company invited me out to a bar. This was against company policy. My husband called and was angry I was at a bar, long story short I cried my boss got in my car and kissed me just as my husband pulled up. The next morning I called my director of operations and told him what happened. Both my boss and I got written up and lost our bonuses for that quarter. I became very depressed and enrolled myself in an outpatient program where i was diagnosed with alcohol dependency, major depressive dissorder and PTSD. I was still working and my DO told me he felt it best if i just concentrated on this program. Now 3 months later I find out the General Manager has gotten promoted and is getting a raise while I have not been paid for 3 months. is this okay? do i have any legal recourse?


This is not okay. This strongly appears to be against Title VII (sexual harassment) and the NJ Laws Against Discrimination (NJ LAD). You should sit down with an "employment law" attorney so that you can formulate a course of action. In my experience, it is not unusual that the next step will be for them to give you a poor rating and then terminate your employment. Best wishes.

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