Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today I was suspended from my job with out reportedly due to an allegation of a threat to do bodily harm (no specification) to another emplo...


Today I was suspended from my job with out reportedly due to an allegation of a threat to do bodily harm (no specification) to another employee with a flash light. I was not told who made the allegation or what the reason may have been for me to make the threat. This was performed by the EHS Manager along with the DC Manager. No HR representative was in the meeting.I offered to allow my locker to be searched and this was not done at any time. I was followed back to my work area by DC manager to gather my belongings in front of all employees in the DC, then escorted from the building by EHS manager and DC Manager, again in front of all employees.I was not even allowed to clock out for the day. It was embarassing and I was made to feel low. It was presented to all other employees as if I was being fired.

What are my legal options? Where can I find immediate help?


Employees can be terminated for any or no reason, with few exceptions for unlawful discrimination (race, gender, etc,). Demotions, suspensions, etc., are better that that. Nothing in your post indicates you have a legal claim. There is cause of action for being embarrassed.

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