Thursday, November 20, 2014

Who is entitled to the engagement ring after the break up? He lo lives in N.C. and she lovers in P A. ?


Who is entitled to the engagement ring after the break up? He lo lives in N.C. and she lovers in P A. ?


Its not so much a question of where people live. The rule in PA is that the donor of the ring (the man usually) is making a conditional gift - that is he gives the girl the ring on a promise that the girl will marry him. For whatever reason, the marriage does not occur. In that case, the man is entitled to get the ring back. It does not matter why the marriage does not occur or whether the man is at fault or not.

Since the girl lives in PA I assume the man would sue the girl in PA so the PA rule would be followed here.

I have not researched the issue, but I believe that NC also follows the PA rule regarding an engagement ring being a conditional gift.

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