Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Do i have to let my daughter stay with her stepfather. The divorce agreement says she cannot be alone with a nonrelative member of the oppos...


Do i have to let my daughter stay with her stepfather. The divorce agreement says she cannot be alone with a nonrelative member of the oppossitte sex. My exwife now says that since they r now married-it is her choice who she stays with. I have trust issues with him because they cheated together. My exes dad was a convicted child molester and they are now freinds also. My daughter had been staying with my mom when needed-but my ex now wants her to stay with him.


On the few facts which you've described, I would be inclined to opine that, no, you cannot probably refuse this proposed arrangement for your daughter

to stay with her stepdad (without incurring legal consequences) since the facts that you've cited in support of your position would appear largely irrelevant to the issue of the fitness of this stepparent to be a caretaker of your daughter for what are presumably relatively brief periods of time.

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