Thursday, January 23, 2014

My ex girlfriend is pregnant and she can't keep it and wants to give it up for adoption but I want to keep the baby myself can she still ado...


My ex girlfriend is pregnant and she can't keep it and wants to give it up for adoption but I want to keep the baby myself can she still adopt it out without me oking it


If you are named as the father--you sign an Affidavit of Paternity, then she has to notice you and file a Petition to Terminate Parental Rights.

If you are really interested in wanting to keep and raise this baby, then the best thing for you to do would be to file a Complaint for Custody with the family court. The court will not rule on your case until after the baby is born, but this way, you are preserving your rights and putting your ex and the Court on notice that you have an interest in this baby that you are asserting.

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