Saturday, January 25, 2014

My uncle died 30+ years ago. He left a will that was probated in MS (his residence) and an ancillary judgement of possession was filed in Lo...


My uncle died 30+ years ago. He left a will that was probated in MS (his residence) and an ancillary judgement of possession was filed in Louisiana for some property in Jefferson Parish. The judgement identified three legatees. However, according to his will, one of these legatees was 1/8 usufruct interest. That legatee has recently passed on. What must I do to establish clear title.

The property is a small interest (value $10,000) and producing about $300/yr in income.


Usufruct terminates at death, so that's over.

What you may want to do is file a document inyour uncle's Louisiana probate proceedings establishing that fact.

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