Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I have two issues really. The first involves my child support - my amount was put in effect when my former wife and I divorced 18 months ago...


I have two issues really. The first involves my child support - my amount was put in effect when my former wife and I divorced 18 months ago. It was based off an amount I was making then and haven't made since. When the amount I was making went down six months later I kept paying as much as I could, and the WISCTF called and called. And they told me I wouldn't be able to decrease the amount, that I had to be paying for at least 2 years before a judge would even consider my issue. So I kept paying as much as I could. That included 2 summers that my son was with me 95% of the time. Then, he and his mom lived in Sheboygan county (WIsconsin) and me in Michigan. We have joint custody. I have now moved to Wisconsin and I'm hoping to achieve joint placement. My son and I are very close and I miss him so much! His mom is allowing some placement rights, but not nearly equal. So I'd like to achieve joint placement AND work toward a new child support order. Thank you so much!


All of this will require a Modition to Modify. The first is placement if this summer arrangement will be like this. Second a Motion to modify support based on the new income. You can file there (based on local rules) every month, but eventually the court will stop listening. There is no two year standard on support.

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