Thursday, March 27, 2014

a 2 party check was sent from the insurance company to the mechanic that was repairing my car. The check was made out to me and the garage. ...


a 2 party check was sent from the insurance company to the mechanic that was repairing my car. The check was made out to me and the garage. The mechanic forged my name (insurance company sent me a copy) and deposited the check in their account. the car was returned to me but it was not finished.

the insurance company is trying to get the mechanic to complete the job.

Should I report the mechanic for forging my name? Who would I report it to?


Notify the insurance company you never endorsed the check. It is a forged item that they can seek a return for through the banking system. It is not your check, so nothing to report. Up to the insurance company to pursue an action against mechanic if they choose.

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