Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hi,Recently simple battery charges have been filed against me. My business partner tried to take some of my merchandise from me and I tried ...



Recently simple battery charges have been filed against me. My business partner tried to take some of my merchandise from me and I tried to grab it back. This caused us to fight over the merchandise. During this tugging back and forth her bangle bracelet on her arm starting cutting into her skin and the basket the merchandise was in started to break because she was holding on to it so tight. The basket also starting cutting her. She began bleeding due to the fact that she is taking a blood thinner for many years. She also has had bruises for years from this medication and her skin is very thin. After she left, she went to the police and filled Simple Battery Charges and said that I jumped on her back and scratched her arms and that's where she got the bruises. At no time did I even touch her body. I was only trying to get the basket of merchandise from her arms. I did have a witness that said she was not telling the truth and that I never jumped on her back or scratched her. The witness told the police that I was only trying to get my merchandise back. Can I really get charged with Simple Battery.


The question is not "can you be charged?" Anyone can be charged with anything if the prosecutor chooses to make a bad decision. As to "Will you be charged?": Probably not, but sometimes prosecutors do actually make those bad decisions.

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