Monday, March 24, 2014

I lost my job so I contacted my landlord and asked him could he help me out. He gave me the option of moving out by a certain date and he wo...


I lost my job so I contacted my landlord and asked him could he help me out. He gave me the option of moving out by a certain date and he would return half of my security deposit to me ($800) without an eviction. Now that I'm out he says he doesn't have to Panay me anything because I broke the lease, in fact he is saying I owe him two months rent per the lease we both signed. Is he allowed to do this? Even though we have a leased he agreed to do something contrary to the lease. All I have is the text messages to prove this. I live in Florida.


Print your text messages before you lose them. No doubt he will deny it. Based upon your facts, he waived his rights.

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