Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'm being falsely accused of embezzlment by someone who I used to work with. At that time I wasn't able to work legally in the USA so I neve...


I'm being falsely accused of embezzlment by someone who I used to work with. At that time I wasn't able to work legally in the USA so I never provided him with any of my personal papers due to the fact that I didn't have anything and he has absolutely no records of me ever working for him but he gave me like 3 personal checks as payment which I did cash. I already fixed my legal status and have a new job and he keeps sending threats saying he is gonna accuse me formally. Can he actually do something?


He can sue you or he could go to the police. He may not be successful but he can try. You should ignore him and if you are served with papers you should immediately get an attorney.


I'm confused.. If there are checks and bank records out there that can prove he paid you, are we talking about an allegation of taking something else? Forging records? Falsifying something?

If the police are involved and this isn't just him

Making empty threats, it's time for a lawyer. Do NOT make any statements without consulting an attorney. If it goes that far, you'll need a good criminal defense attorney. I'd strongly suggest you find someone who focuses on criminal law and who routinely practices in the court where this case will be heard.

Please pardon any typos - posted via mobile device.

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