Monday, August 18, 2014

I have an question to ask and I hope that I can put this down the right way that I am asking it.I have in the courts system an PSA agreement...


I have an question to ask and I hope that I can put this down the right way that I am asking it.

I have in the courts system an PSA agreement for an divorce and the judge has not sign off on it yet. I would like to know if we have to go back to court for the judge to sign off on it or will the judge sign off on it and send me the papers saying that it is final.

There are things in the PSA agreement that is not correct and I don't know if I can fill something to get it correct or not before the judge sign off on it.

one thing is that in there the date where my sife said that we were separation on is wrong and I would like to have it set to where we both have custody of the kids not saying that Joint custody and she has physical custody. I would like to have it saying joint or share I would like to find out if I can do that. Also there is no one paying child support right now and I would like to see if we don't have to pay for it at all.


The judge doesn't "sign off" on the PSA which is a contract between the parties to the divorce which is up to them to agree to and sign so that it can then be incorporated into the final decree of divorce which the judge does sign.

If you're waiting for a judge to sign what you believe is a PSA, you'll be waiting

a long time since that is not going to happen.

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