Friday, August 15, 2014

My friend was arrested for domestic violence but was released with mental health classes but did not attend. She was pregnant at the time an...


My friend was arrested for domestic violence but was released with mental health classes but did not attend. She was pregnant at the time and had surgery and no way to make it to attend. She now has a warrant. What will happen now? What will happen when she turns herself in? Will she get serious time even with only one prior but that was dropped.?


Your friend has mitigating circumstances that can help out such as the fact that she was pregnant and was having surgery. However that does not dismiss the fact that she did not do what was acquired from her in court. At this point if he has an active warrant she will either be arrested or have to turn herself in to the police station or court. How they will handle taking her in will depend on the court house and their procedures. The easiest way to avoid being incarcerated is to go into court with an attorney and have the attorney quash the warrant. After the warrant is quashed your friend needs to avoid a criminal conviction which could result from the domestic battery charge.

If you or your friend have any questions please feel free to call my office at 773-791-9682.

Good luck

Purav Bhatt

Attorney at law


Above answer is correct. Your friend needs to hire an attorney. She may contact me directly for a free telephone consultation.

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