Monday, September 22, 2014

10 days ago (Jan.3rd,2014) I got into an argument with my then girlfriend. As she tried toleave my house, I tried to restrain her by holding...


10 days ago (Jan.3rd,2014) I got into an argument with my then girlfriend. As she tried toleave my house, I tried to restrain her by holding her forearms. She claims this left bruises, & she took pictures of it. Can i still be charged with anything this many days after the event?


Sure, as time passes the chances of being charged decrease but after ten days you can certainly be charged, particularly if she has pictures.


Yes. You can be charged until the statute of limitations has run. Different charges have different limitations periods. But they are all measured in months or years, not days.

Based on what you've written, the most likely charge would be misdemeanor battery. The limitations period for that charge is one year. But other, more serious charges are also plausible, and some of them have longer time limits.

I don't know how likely it is that you will be charged at all. But the passage of a week and a half will not prevent the prosecutor from charging you if he believes he has a case.


As a Former Deputy District Attorney and a Certified Criminal Law Specialist, with over 25 years of experience in these matters, I can tell you that charges could most certainly be brought after such a time period. You should NEVER speak to law enforcement or speak with this female about the charges or any 3rd person. You should contact an experienced attorney at once. I wish you well........David


The prosecutor and police have up to a year to bring charges on such misdemanor crimes. The longer she waits to complain to them, the less likely they are to act.

If you are charged, feel free to contact me for the legal help you are going to need. I've been doing such cases for many years throughout SoCal.

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