Wednesday, September 24, 2014

a person i am dating now (was married but divorced years ago) put two of his homes in his name and signed a legal document saying it was a g...


a person i am dating now (was married but divorced years ago) put two of his homes in his name and signed a legal document saying it was a gift with no expectations. now he wants to go to court and take them back because we are breaking up. do I need to worry?


You leave out a lot of facts. You claim he signed a " legal document" gifting you the property. If the document was not a deed that transferred ownership to you and recorded, your ownership was not perfected. You may have little rights here...


I don't read your confusing post the way Mr. Green does. You state that he put the homes in his name. He's allowed to hold title to property anyway he wants. I'm not sure what your question is.

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