Sunday, September 21, 2014

Enter your question here...A guy wanted to buy land from us. We came to an agreement then wrote the agreement out. It was an agreement that ...


Enter your question here...A guy wanted to buy land from us. We came to an agreement then wrote the agreement out. It was an agreement that stated he provides a place for me, my husband and kids to live on property for 3 years and we would work for him. He took it. He said he woul draw a contract stating the agreement we all came to. But we all signed the paper this agreement was written on. Then he said he would present that after after selling contract was signed on October 24, 2014. Now he refuses to present us with the contract and denies having made that deal or knowing anything about it. He is now backing out of it and refuses to hold his end of the deal. What options does my family and i have? What are our chances?


A contract that involves an interest in land must be in writing; this rule is called the "statute of frauds."

Even if you had six witnesses who were willing to testify to the ORAL contract you made, it wouldn't do any good.

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