Friday, March 27, 2015

I fell on some ice at an open House. Can I get help with my medical bills


I fell on some ice at an open House. Can I get help with my medical bills


Yes, homeowners insurance often allows small allowances to pay medical bills only, typically $2,000 or less, regardless of fault, but only for a very limited period of time. For actual injury compensation and larger medical bills, however, you would usually need to prove in court that the homeowner was a fault. WI assumes that the homeowner is not at fault for natural precipitation, although manmade ice, etc., can lead to a finding of fault. If that might be the case, you should immediately consult with an experienced civil litigation attorney because the case law relating to manmade hazards is amazingly complex and challenging, even for experienced lawyers. Claims adjusters are therefore likely to deny your claim until sued, and pay reluctantly even after that. Juries are equally reluctant to award money in such lawsuits involving falls based upon social norms making us more or less responsible for keeping ourselves upright and safe while walking, unless the hazard is unexpected, hidden or artificially created.

Do not assume that I am your attorney due to this answer, but feel free to call my office in Racine (262-633-3090 or email [email protected]/* */) for clarifications or further questions. Without additional arrangements, I would not be taking any further action on your case. See me on the web at View my past answers at , or http://www./answers/search/attorney/jknixon.

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