Sunday, January 19, 2014

a person has filed a false change of address on me and got my mail for about two weeks.the post office has changed it back now, but this per...


a person has filed a false change of address on me and got my mail for about two weeks.the post office has changed it back now, but this person open my mail and has now changed my address on my accounts so I still am not recieving my bills. she is now recieving my cable bill ,my home depot bill , my bank statments , and my internet account. I find more acounts have been falsely changed daily. the police have charged her with fraud , can i sue her for continueing to harrass me getting into my mail?


You can file for a civil harassment restraining order. While you personal or physical safety is not in danger, your peace of mind is seriously being harassed. You need an immediate order to stop this. Go to court tomorrow and fill out the civil harassment paperwork that the clerk's office at the courthouse has. They see this type of situation on a daily basis and will give you the forms to complete. You will then see the judge tomorrow and get the order, which will need to be served on this other person as well as the local police for their records. Good luck.


you should also go to the post office and file a report with the postal inspector. she may also have committed a federal mail crime

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