Monday, January 20, 2014

can I fire my attny at mandatory docketinig 2 days before jury selection and how ? I just lost my motion to suppress he used the police lies...


can I fire my attny at mandatory docketinig 2 days before jury selection and how ? I just lost my motion to suppress he used the police lies on my report because he told me the judge would believe their lies more than my truth. The actual truth is the evidence obtained from the vehicle belong to the vehicles owner who went under oathe to testify to that but my attorney never ask him that only questions like if he knew me etc... I have to date given him 4thousand dollars and he want thousand more to go to jury trial. My charges are possession of meth and paraphelnalia . I was a passenger of the vehicle the owner was driving we were both taken to jail for same charges however the owners charges were no billed. owner doenst have a prior felony record I have 11 felonies.


You have the right to an attorney of your choosing. However, your situation is a little different since you have a trial starting. The judge may or may not let your attorney off the case. Just document your issues, and also let your attorney know your issues, in case it is needed for an appeal.

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