Friday, January 3, 2014

I was on probation for 2 years and successfully completed it, paid all my restitution, and did everything I needed so even though I plead gu...


I was on probation for 2 years and successfully completed it, paid all my restitution, and did everything I needed so even though I plead guilty on the failure to return lease property (3rd degree felony...I cannot return something that was stolen from me) I am being denied an insurance license. My case is deemed 'adjudication witheld'. I was told when my probation ended this will not hold me up from getting a job. What exactly is adjudication witheld? When they denied my insurance license they stated I was guilty in that offense? I don't understand?


A withhold of adjudication is confusing, especially to those not in the legal field. Essentially, a withhold means that you are NOT convicted of the offense. It will still show up on your record though (unless you get it sealed). It is possible that you may be denied due to the charge itself. You need to talk with the insurance commissioners to make sure they understand your situation, and also so you understand what is required of you.

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