Friday, January 3, 2014

The mother of my 4 year old son was 16 when he was conceived. I was 19. From what ive heard that is statutory rape. Ive been doing research ...


The mother of my 4 year old son was 16 when he was conceived. I was 19. From what ive heard that is statutory rape. Ive been doing research because we have never registered myself as the father. We had a DNA test done and he is mine, the mother and i have maintained a good parenting relationship. But for the future i would like to be able to be his legal father. I just read that there is no limitations on statutory rape in texas. My question is... if in 2 years her and i go to court (together) for me to register as his father, am i going to be locked up when they factor in our sons age to our own and find out she was a minor when he was conceived?


It is highly unlikely that you will be prosecuted, although it is a possibility. It is far more likely to become an issue if you fail to provide financial support for the child and she seeks help from the attorney general's office that you will find yourself with problems.

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