Friday, March 7, 2014

Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Form i-821D questions 19, 20I need help on questions 19, 20. Well I dropped out of h...


Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Form i-821D questions 19, 20

I need help on questions 19, 20. Well I dropped out of high school a while back ago. I ended up getting my GED so question 19 asks where I received my education should I put down the high school I attended? Or should I put down the school where I took the GED test? Because I studied at home for my GED. That brings me to question 20 which asks for day of last attendance, graduation, or recipient of GED? I don't know if I write down the day I dropped out of high school which I'm not really sure when that was or the day I received my GED? Please help thank you.


I would suggest listing the school you attended & the date you obtained your GED.

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