Friday, March 7, 2014

I got a call from an advertisement telling me that I was the winner of a price and they asked where I live and my name, But I provided the w...


I got a call from an advertisement telling me that I was the winner of a price and they asked where I live and my name, But I provided the wrong address and I just gave my name, however; after they said they're sending me the reward I said Ok but at very last they told me I had to pay 200 dollars for the fee of them sending it. So I said never mind because I dont have money and they said that if I don't pay they're going to sue me for not paying the fee even though I never got anything and I didn't agree either. They keep calling me saying that I have to go to court. What do I do? I never agreed to anything and now they're sueing me for that package I never got


First of all, if they are suing you the matter is in civil court, and you should not be posting on the criminal law forum. The criminal law category is for people who have questions regarding criminal prosecutions in the State of California.

You would know if they are suing you because you should have been served with a summons and complaint. If you have not been served court papers and they are claiming that they are suing you, then the whole thing sounds like a scam to me.


I agree with my colleague...Sounds like a scam, and I wouldn't worry about it. maybe, the next time they call, ask for their address and phone number and let them know you will be contacting law enforcement about their fraudulent business practices, and see what they do....

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