Saturday, March 8, 2014

I live in NJ. I previously was in an abusive relationship which ended with him being convicted of multiple offenses against me, (assault, ha...


I live in NJ. I previously was in an abusive relationship which ended with him being convicted of multiple offenses against me, (assault, harassment.) I was also granted an FRO, which remains in place nine years later. I've moved on with my life but was recently told that he moved to an area near me. I would like to change my name to avoid being so easily found but understand I will have to publish a notice with my name and current address in a local newspaper as a condition of the petition. I know NJ has reversed course when it comes to victims of DV in this regard, but how can I communicate my concerns to the judge before the hearing? I understand the only thing I will receive with the docket and court date will be the notice to publish, giving me little opportunity to discuss my hesitancy in publishing publicly in a local paper he may see. Thank you!


Given that you are self represented I will stick to the basics. You need to make a motion to the court (a written request asking for relief). Your motion should be under seal (hidden from public view). In your motion -at the beginning- state that your are a victim of domestic violence etc. and why you need to keep your name change from public view. Ask the clerk to make it under seal or ex-parte. Lastly, you may want to consult with a family law attorney or try an organization that protects protects women from DV for guidance. Best wishes.

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