Saturday, March 8, 2014

I received this message in an email from my supervisor after asking for clarification to what she meant."I am not sure how much clearer this...


I received this message in an email from my supervisor after asking for clarification to what she meant.

"I am not sure how much clearer this can be made. Any communication from your attorney (i.e. legal representative) regarding issues you may have with this facility must be forwarded (i.e. sent, provided, directed) to Chris Kenny, Labor Attorney. I do not/will not speak with your legal representative unless I am directed by the labor attorney. If you are still confused about this, you are welcome to contact the labor attorney or CPAC"

Can someone tell me what the legality of this request may or may not be?




I also am not sure why it isn't clear. Your supervisor is not going to speak with your lawyer and your lawyer should be communicating with their lawyer. If there is something about this you don't understand, why aren't you communicating with your lawyer and asking him or her?

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