Sunday, March 2, 2014

I received a voicemail stating a judgement has been filed against me for X amount, they read out my full social security#, told me they were...


I received a voicemail stating a judgement has been filed against me for X amount, they read out my full social security#, told me they were going to levy my bank accounts and I would not be able to open another bank account for 7 years. They left the same message on my mother's voicemail- including all my personal info and a threat that it would go on her credit. She is not a cosigner or guarontor. I had an attorney friend call them and they told him they filed the judgement in 2010 in california. I live in GA (always have) and I was never served, mailed or otherwise notified until the voicemail. The original loan amount is half of what they are now asking for and obviously I am broke or I would've been paying my debt. I am unemployed and ill. I am worried they can take the meager money I do have, and that if they were able to get a judgement without me knowing, other creditors have/will also. How do I respond to them? Is what they did and claim legal? How do i find out if I have been sued by others? If they filed in CA is that the only place the records can be found?


This is a scam. They are trying to steal your identity. Do NOT call them. Stop talking to them! You may want to put a freeze on your reports and check them; it is likely in talking to them that they already got what they needed to steal from you.

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