Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I work 16 hour shifts during the weekends and we get 1 hour breaks but I am unable 2 leave for food and I'm required to work during this tim...


I work 16 hour shifts during the weekends and we get 1 hour breaks but I am unable 2 leave for food and I'm required to work during this time unpaid. G.a. law states that if a person has to work during that time they are supposed to be paid for the breaks unless they are allowed freedom to go and do as they please during the break time. My question to you is would I have a lawsuit on my hands if Iwas fired for leaving the property during my break?


Your employer can terminate you for breaking workplace rules. You should contact an attorney who will ask you additional questions about your employer's weekend policy to determine if the policy violates any law, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act. If it does, you may want to complain to your Human Resources Manager about the practice. While an employer can terminte you for breaking workplace rules, they cannot terminate you for complaining about violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

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