Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I worked for a country club for 3 years in Plano, Texas as clubhouse manager. The club was sold by the owners to a golf company. There was n...


I worked for a country club for 3 years in Plano, Texas as clubhouse manager. The club was sold by the owners to a golf company. There was never an announcement of a date for the sale nor a definite announcement the sale was actually going to occur. Employees were asked to provide information about the club to help the prospective buyers make decisions concerning purchasing it. The day before the sale went through and finalized, I was told by the purchasing company that I did not fit their plans for the future and would not be hired by them. In essence, my job ended that day. However, I have still not been notified by my employer that I am no longer in their employment. I have not been offered any severance pay or any contact by them. In total there were eight employees not offered a position by the purchasing company, nor have any of them received any notification. They did pay us all the following week (by auto bank deposit) for the three days of March that we did work.

Are there any obligations for them to offer severance pay or are there any avenues for recourse for me (and the others)

Thank you for your time and any assistance.


Did you have a written employment contract with the company?

Is there an employee handbook that states what happens when you get fired (i.e., severance pay)?

You are probably out of luck.

In Texas, one can be fired for any reason or for no reason at all. The exceptions are: If the boss walks in and fires all the Jews; or if he fires all the people over 40; or if he fires all the women, and keeps the men.

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