Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My landlord keeps having her grandson come into my fenced yard w/o notice which is a problem because he leaves the gate open and I've had to...


My landlord keeps having her grandson come into my fenced yard w/o notice which is a problem because he leaves the gate open and I've had to chase my dog more then once because of him leaving the gate open. Which I've dealt with w/o complaint but today him and 3 of his friends were in my yard and I had about $80 of recyclables come up missing. Her grandson and his friends are known around here for being thieves. What are my options in this situation? Thank you in advance for your time


Tell them it is not Ok for them to enter your fenced yard without your permission. Tell them next time they do you will take a legal action. You can also place a lock to keep them out.

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