Friday, March 7, 2014

So the past week my girlfriend and I have been talking about having a child of our own we both see the responsibilities it requires but here...


So the past week my girlfriend and I have been talking about having a child of our own we both see the responsibilities it requires but here is the problem she is 14 years old and i am 17 and we live in the state of Massachusetts. What I am trying to figure out is weather or not it is legal because I have been researching all morning tying to find a definite answer with official links regarding the laws because when I look at the laws it is not a specific enough answer for me to make a decision. I see this decision as something to add happiness and joy to both of our lives but I don't want it to be the decision that puts me in jail and takes m away from our child especially being that it is important for a baby to have a father there for support. can her parents only press charges in the case of statutory rape or can the state as well and if so the state what are the chances of it happening?


If you have sex with an underage person you should be prosecuted for the crime of statutory rape. The prosecutor is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Parents and your girlfriend lack the ability to control the criminal process. If an underage girl gives birth to a child you can expect that there will an investigation and probable criminal prosecution for statutory rape. If convicted of statutory rape you will have to register as a convicted sex offender. Such a conviction could haunt you for the rest of your life. I strongly suggest that you consult a lawyer before taking any action that could hurt both of you for the rest of your lives.

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