Monday, June 23, 2014

hello my name is question is .can my husband fix his mom paper first and then 2 months later can he fix mine?


hello my name is rosa.

my question is .can my husband fix his mom paper first and then 2 months later can he fix mine?


If your husband is a U.S. citizen, then he can petition you & his mother. However, if you are in the U.S. illegally, then you will have to file a provisional waiver of inadmissibility first. If approved, you will still have to apply for the "greencard" outside the U.S.

I highly advise that you hire an experienced, licensed immigration attorney to assist you with this type of case, and NOT a "notario", paralegal service or other non-attorney. Also beware of people who want to charge you too much money.

Good luck to you both!


This requires a more in-depth analysis than a simple web-posting. Please call us at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828 to discuss in greater detail. Kind regards, RDM

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