Monday, August 11, 2014

Can you be evicted out from your home without legal process


Can you be evicted out from your home without legal process


California is a tenant friendly state. Failure to comply with "notice" requirements can subject the landlord to heavy penalties.



I don't disagree with Mr. Boyer, but I think the answer really depends upon what you mean by "legal process." To lawyers, "legal process" may mean "going to court" rather than "following the law" Further, when you say "evicted from your home," one wonders whether you are/were a tenant, renter or home owner. Finally, what precisely do you mean by "eviction?" That could be anything from getting a friendly notice that your rental arrangement was being terminated, all the way to the sheriff coming around to remove you and your belongings one fine Saturday morning. I guess to summarize I would say that I agree that California is tenant-friendly, and that each phase of relations between a landlord or a mortgage lender and the home occupant is governed by laws, and that some steps specified in the law must be followed, it isn't true that all processes that might be considered "evictions" require going to court.


If you mean is it legal to be evicted without the landlord using a court filed procedure, then the answer is no. Landlords must use one of the court filings by law, and cannot engage in self help.

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