Friday, August 15, 2014

I am the Master tenant performing an eviction on a sub-tenant. I gave them a verbal 30 day notice. Our original agreement for them paying re...


I am the Master tenant performing an eviction on a sub-tenant. I gave them a verbal 30 day notice. Our original agreement for them paying rent was also verbal. For UD filing purposes was my verbal 30 day notice legal and sufficient or do I have to serve them a written notice?

(Alameda County California)


Notices must be in writing and served on the subtenant(s). Keep in mind, too, that if the subtenant(s) has/have been there for more than a year, you should give 60 days' notice. If in Oakland or another city with rent stabilization, there might be other language that the notice should contain. As you realize, the laws concerning evictions are very complicated. It might be best that you consult with an eviction attorney in your locale to make sure that everything is done correctly. You certainly will not want to have your case thrown out at the last moment, and then have to start over after a lot of time has passed.

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