Thursday, August 21, 2014

July 2012 I had an Endometrial Ablation.During this surgery the agreement was to remove the right ovary and right fallopian tube.But,today w...


July 2012 I had an Endometrial Ablation.During this surgery the agreement was to remove the right ovary and right fallopian tube.But,today when I go in for complications,the doctor tell me that she removed the left ovary and left fallopian.I was pissed!!!!My family is pissed!!!!

This was a total shock to me.After I asked one too, many questions she blew me off,by putting my symptoms on a GI problem.I told her specifically that I was hurting in and around the surgical scars.But,she assured me right out the door with her defense.Your ultrasound look fine.Why did this woman remove my left ovary and left fallopian tube?The tumor was on my right ovary.Why did she wait until a whole year pass to FINALLY do a ultrasound,something that should have been done before the surgery.


You need to speak to a medical malpractice attorney. Any answer you get on here will not be enough to solve your issues with the limited info we have. Get a consultation, so you can see what options you have to resolve this matter.

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