Thursday, August 21, 2014

My brother had a liver transplant in Oct 2012. He has been in -out of hospital for complications.Last 45 days he has been in ICC at Geogetow...


My brother had a liver transplant in Oct 2012. He has been in -out of hospital for complications.

Last 45 days he has been in ICC at Geogetown ,MEDSTAR Hospital. It has been touch and go. He needs a new LIVER as well as a kidney. He developed a for of fungal phneumonia and we almost lost him. He is a fighter and still being treated. His wife, my sister in law who has spent the past 4 weeks at the hospital was fired from her job on Friday 1 Nov 13. The owner of the company knows the medical issue as my brother worked there for over 25 years. Does my sister in law have any legal actions that she can take against this company for firing her due to be at the hospital?

my email is bdc066@verizon.


Possibly. It depends in part whether the provisions of federal law known as the Family Medical Leave Act apply to her situation. To answer the question an attorney needs to know whether she was a full-time employee, how long she had worked for the company before they let her go and whether they got sufficient notice.

This online Q&A is not designed to substitute for legal advice on the specific facts of a particular situation. Your sister-in-law would be well advised to seek legal counsel.

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