Friday, August 15, 2014

My son just made his 10th birthday on Nov. 3rd, 2003. We went back and forth to the hospital behind a condition called pyloric stenosis. The...


My son just made his 10th birthday on Nov. 3rd, 2003. We went back and forth to the hospital behind a condition called pyloric stenosis. They misdiagnosed him and he could have died. We are in Texas, recently I read that he has until his 18th birthday to file. Then I read somewhere else that he has from the age of 12 until the age of 14. Now most recently I see that there is a 10 year time barred for these type of cases which is it when filing for a minor? Will I be able to file for him without the case being dismissed or does the 10 year time barred apply to this case as well?


It appears you live in Houston. Call a medical malpractice attorney and meet with him/her in person and discuss the details. Texas law is complicated regarding statue of limitations. Do so now - don't wait! And, please do not rely on things you read on the internet!!

Look on this website and on for an attorney - look under medical malpractice or personal injury.

Good luck!

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