Monday, September 1, 2014

A previous roommate put her power and cable bill in my name at her new apartment. About a month later i received notice that the bills where...


A previous roommate put her power and cable bill in my name at her new apartment. About a month later i received notice that the bills where past due and never paid. When confronted she assured me she would pay them. When they where not i called the services to let them know of the issue and they told me its my responsibility because it was put in my name. (i didn't though) . Me and the roommate fell out and she is persistent on not paying these bills. I have tried to get the bills transferred to her name but without her authorization the companies wont.


If you sit silently and do not have her arrested when this first happened, you can be stuck paying the bills. You should have made a police report on day one. Then swear out a warrant for her arrest. Send the police reports to the companies and let them know to stop the bills. If they refuse, get a lawyer.

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