Sunday, September 21, 2014

i pulled into a convenience store and parked my car 2 minutes later an officer pulls in and pulls to a stop sign like he is leaving the stor...


i pulled into a convenience store and parked my car 2 minutes later an officer pulls in and pulls to a stop sign like he is leaving the store but sits there for 3 min i get out of my car as he pulls off so i thought... im in the store for about 15 min i come out get in my car and begin to pull out about 5 min later.. i stop at the stop sign and theres the cop sitting there waiting for me i pull out and sit at a light for about 3-5 min the light turns green i go. then the cops lights come on i pull over officer says do you know why im pulling you over i say no idea. he say your registration is coming up suspended. so he runs my info and returns to tell my that its suspended for cancelling my insurance. i didnt cancel my insurance nor did i recieve any cancellation of insurance notice nor did i recieve any mail stating my registration was suspended. so with that said my car was towed and i was issued 2 tickets for uninsured vehicle and driving with suspended registration. is this illegal for the cop to sit there and entrap me or is this just another way for the government to steal my money?


Is it not illegal for the cop to run your information. No insurance and suspended registration are both very serious offenses. The fines can high, you face a lengthy suspension of your license, there is community service and other possible penalties. I would be happy to talk to you about it. I have been representing people for traffic offenses in New Jersey for over twenty years. My consultation is free so please feel free to call 201 342 5030 or 973 723 8995 as it may prove beneficial to hire an experienced attorney.

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