Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I worked for Sea Ray Boats for almost 12 years and the constant breathing of chemicals such as resin, acids, acetone and heavy fiberglass du...


I worked for Sea Ray Boats for almost 12 years and the constant breathing of chemicals such as resin, acids, acetone and heavy fiberglass dust.

The question is, I seem to be problem breathing as I get older and I'm guessing it may be due to working with a mask in these conditions may be taking its toll on me.

What options do I have?


First, how long ago did you work at Sea Ray Boats? Second, when did the breathing problems start and has your doctor linked them to your work activity? There is a very strict claim filing process for workers compensation cases. If you file too late after discovering a work related injury or illness, your claim may be denied. If you are still within the time frame for filing and a doctor has linked the breathing condition to the workplace hazards, you should file a workers compensation claim. If a doctor has not related your breathing problems to work because you have not seen a doctor for your condition, you may want to file a claim regardless and let the employer's workers compensation insurance carrier either deny or accept your claim so that you may re-evaluate your course of action.

I have seen very serious workers compensation cases dealing with the types of work activity you are describing. Fiberglass dust inhalation can be extremely harmful and may result in serious medical conditions. There is an entire sub category of case law regarding occupational disease resulting from workplace conditions. I would recommend that you file a claim with Sea Ray Boats for workers compensation and see a doctor immediately. You should consult an attorney about your case to get proper case evaluation and assistance.

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