Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My father is in the hospital and on life support, As far as I know he has no will, He has a home and quite a few assets that I can't find pa...


My father is in the hospital and on life support, As far as I know he has no will, He has a home and quite a few assets that I can't find paperwork of any kind anywhere. He has 3 step-children who are adults and have been mooching off him for years and won't leave the house so I can look for this paperwork as we don't get along. I have been paying his bills and taking care of him and his property for months. The step-children constantly call and want money from his account, and I wont give them any. My Dad told me to pay bills and a few other things but never told me to give them money to live on. I am in dire straights on what to do to take control before I pull the plug.


You need to find a local lawyer who deals with probate issues and litigation to help you through this process.

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