Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Childs fater is active military and has authorized his mother to excersize his parental rights. She is crazy and has been making,my life ...


My Childs fater is active military and has authorized his mother to excersize his parental rights. She is crazy and has been making,my life hell and trying to take my son away. How can I eliminate her from the picture?


You need to talk in person to an experienced family law attorney.

It appears that grandmother is "crazy".

Unfortunately you did not give a lot of information. You need to meet with an attorney in person and discuss your situation.

Look on this website and on www.avvo.com for an attorney to help you.

You might want to contact Dad and see if he can help you. He might be active military but they do usually have internet and SKYPE access.

Good luck!

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