Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My husband is on the title and loan, we are trying to put the house since he is very ill and might pass away in a land trust will that affec...


My husband is on the title and loan, we are trying to put the house since he is very ill and might pass away in a land trust will that affect probate and loan modification?


You can transfer the title of the land/residence into a trust if the trust is in existence; the transfer will not affect the loan, as the residence remains the security for the loan; as long as payments remain current, the lender will not have a reason to take any kind of adverse action.


While Victor is correct, I would strongly suggest that you consult with an estate planning attorney to do this correctly. I assume you are referring to establishing a revocable living turst ( a "land trust" is actually something else). There are statutory provisions that help you to avoid reassessment and to avoid triggering acceleraton clauses. The costs of doing this improperly certainly out weigh the cost of doing it right.

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