Friday, March 20, 2015

At my wife's request for a separation, and also to her urging, I moved out of my home and also out of the state. Now after a 6 month separat...


At my wife's request for a separation, and also to her urging, I moved out of my home and also out of the state. Now after a 6 month separation and every effort on my part to reconcile, I have been served with Divorce papers. There are 6 children involved and I am at a loss as to know what to do. Can I get an attorney in the state I currently reside in to fight for custody, and also against her Spousal Support request, or do I need to get an attorney in the State where the family lives?


Assuming she meets the jurisdictional requirements (6 months residing in MI) Michigan is the appropriate forum. You need to retain counsel in Michigan to respond to the complaint. The worst thing you can do is ignore the situation and a default be entered. A divorce with children has many complicated issues, let alone (6) children and you being in a different state.

I have represented many clients who reside out of state. Feel free to contact me for more information and to further discuss your situation.

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