Thursday, March 12, 2015

boy im in a mess my sister had poa( the family lawyer/will lawyer)advised her all through conning me into signing house to just her so my da...


boy im in a mess my sister had poa( the family lawyer/will lawyer)advised her all through conning me into signing house to just her so my dad could get state medical asstistance. I loved and love my dad and would have done anything to make sure he got the best care,,,there is some ELDERLY LAW ALSO ISNT THERE? should took advantage of his mental state as she put him in a nursing home, I was toldmy name would go back on the house or she would buy me out. WELL 2 years later and all of her dui"sshe hasn't put the will in probate as there was way more then the house to b divided equally there are only her and I, I was scammed by her and the will attourney who took on her dui cases as they were ripping me off. im disabled with a son and im dying seriously, I need help to force her to get this straight there has GOT TO B A PAPER TRAIL OF ALL THAT TOOK PLACE. I reside in Fla, and would like to make sure that my 2 children are taken care of b4 and we can live in some comfort before my illness gets too bad. I have a lung disease and hope to b arnd along time but??? can someone help?does any attourney work on percentage. our home is worth QUITE A BIT AND I HAVE I BELIEVE ALL THE NECESSARY PAPERWRK TO GET THIS STRAIGHT

ure my 2


Hello. As to Minnesota legal issues, please confer with a Minnesota licensed attorney. You are welcome to contact me. As to Florida issues, contact a Florida licensed attorney.

Tricia Dwyer Esq

Ph: 612-296-9666

Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

Minnesota Estate Planning Law

Minnesota Elder Law

Minnesota Criminal Law

Minnesota Attorney Conduct & Ethics Law/Rules

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