Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Can I prevent my daughter going over my ex's sister's home? My ex husband is currently locked up, he's been there since our daughter was 4 m...


Can I prevent my daughter going over my ex's sister's home? My ex husband is currently locked up, he's been there since our daughter was 4 months old. She will be four when he will be released next year thanks to prison realignment. My concern is him taking our daughter to his sister's house. She slanders me on social like making up lies that I'm abusing my daughter. This woman has threaten and harassed me from 2011 to 2013.,Now its just defamation of my character on social media. I have multiple witness to the incidents of harassment. It is to the point she will talk negative constantly about me. Before my ex was locked up and a week before our mediation his sister refused to return my infant daughter over a petty argument between the sister and myself. I was being an adult about letting my ex have visitation with her before our custody hearing.I called the cops but since our custody was in motion and not set on paper, the police told me there was nothing they can do since he was there at his sister's house. My ex mother in law got her to return my daughter 6 hours after the original agreed time for me to pick her up. I do not feel safe with my daughter going over her house when her father is released from prison. There has been talk about illegally taking my daughter from me and i fear she will be an active participant or the instigator since she refused to give her back to me before. The sister has severe mental problems and drug problems. She even put in my daughter's head she had another sister when she doesn't, because my ex was cheating on me with a girl he was committing his crimes with. What are my options to protect my daughter from her being subjected to this person?


In structuring parenting arrangements with the court, you should request limited contact or supervised contact with extended family. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

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